lifes good......

gosh, i've been having a jolly good time, my nieces are home, my sisters too. we're all back home with mom, i'm so loving the time we're spending together. haven't checked my mails in ages or blogged anywhere in ages, kind of a detox from it all....lifes good innit?.

is it me or did this year just pass by so fast?(okay, i know everyones been saying it so it's obviously not me) its like an express train which just goes non stop to the end. i can still remember exactly what i was doing on this day last year, thats because it just feels like yesterday. i love this time of the year, the Christmas carols, the anticipation of christmas day and all the goodness it holds.its really fun, laying all the colours and seeing the tree transform from an old fig to a colorful and bright beauty....
what do i want for xmas? the list is endless, and i enjoy writing them cos somehow i just feel that by putting my wishes down on paper no matter how impossible they seem, theres always a chance that it may come true, and its always exciting to see at least one thing ticked off as achieved. i've gotten the laptop, the wristwatch, still no iphone, fingers crossed on that...

what good have i achieved this year?... i dunno, but it hasnt ended yet, i've still got about three weeks to go, maybe something extra ordinarily pleasant will happen. last year i know i messed up a lot, things better left forgotten but still hanging somewhere in the surface. my birthday was on the 6th of july, but i didnt do anything extra special to mark it because i didnt feel extra special.i was still in the deep end of being scary and damaged, but this year,i had a blast on my bday and most of the year. hopefully i'm approaching sunny and bright days... wish me luck!

i'm loving my time away from work, gosh, moms making me feel good again, i'm back to being her 24hr jeans wearing baby...except i fight for her attention with my nieces.i love the weather....its so christmases...cold and dry and dusty, thats the north for you, the harmatan just rocks my world, i sleep with no a/c or fan and my butt just freezes definitely is good.
hope y'all having as much fun this season...


  1. It is so nice to know that you are enjoying your family. That is the essence of Christmas, sha!

    God's blessings on you all and please greet you Chinese sugar daddy. lol!

  2. sounds like your having a blast...merry xmas!

  3. LOL...sounds good...didn't see this post...checked ur page a couple of times blind???

    where are you? cant wait for you to come here...bring my suya pepper...

    loads of love

  4. merry xmas n happy new years
    china man's BALLIN'

  5. Hey, I see a change here that I didnt see yesterday...whats good love?

    Tantalizing us with little glimps of ur beauty???

  6. Nice look, your blog.
    Can't wait for the harmattan to be over tho.
    Seems you had fun; good for you
    Happy 2008!

  7. compliment of the season to u dearie and ur family gal

  8.' thanks, maybe sug daddy and i wold take tk and the crew for some ol' china loving.

    lil' miss me...i am, hope u had a merry christmas too.

    afro darl, i'm going on a page pimping spree...u'll get ur suya spice...

    dairy of a g...thanks man and same to you.

    ejura...where have u been.
    like my page yeah? love it too.

    ms emmotions..thanks, hope u're enjoying the season too.

  9. sweetness!
    have a blast darling...
    and may next year bring you more of what you desire *wink*

  10. unnaked...thankyou good sir...and that wink...well that wink can define a lot of stuff...

  11. FQ
    What do u mean by me being in an episode of 'noahs arc'?
    I lost
    BTW, Is that beautiful girl u in ur profile pic?
    I know....
    am nosey

  12. I'm happy 4 u

    I love the new template
    the profile pics sef na wa o

  13. hey g'...have u seen the series noah's arc? thats what i was refering to, a couple of gay fellas that kept calling em'selves 'gal' pun intended just having a laugh...

    yes the girl in the pic is me, but u can hardly see the face to conclude on 'beautiful'

    olamild...thanks girl, i just love the template too....and na real wa for that pic.


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