Freederm, Pimples and Worrying...

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25
We were going to Abuja for a wedding about two years ago, two weddings actually. It was my sister, my friend and I. Everything was set for a fun weekend away, till I walked into the bathroom for one last look at myself before heading out and there it was. On my neck sat an ugly pimple, of all weekends it had to choose this one. This one where i chose perfection and flawlessness above all else. I knew what to do, I reached for a tube of freederm, it’s known to reduce inflammation in just a few hours and dry out the pimples. It slipped out of my hands and dropped on the floor just as i was taking the cap off,in all the confusion, it somehow found its way under the bathroom cupboard…
Now that wouldn’t have been a problem on any other day, but on this day I decided to travel not like the girl next door, but like a glam chic. My jeans were just a little too tight and the heels of my shoes too high. It didn't feel like a realistic goal to get on my knees to get the gel, it would have been uncomfortable and taking off my shoes to ease the task was a no no. Everyone was already waiting in the car, so I ran off, leaving my solution, just because... I kept looking at the pimple in the mirror and whining about it all the way from lekki to the airport.
It was just impossible for me to take my mind off it; I chose to make it a problem, the one thing that’d ruin my weekend. I was so conscious of that pimple, I touched it, I pulled at it, I rubbed it… I did everything but let it be, my friend tried to get me to leave it alone, but I couldn't, my reflex was working overtime. And from the constant touching, it popped open. Not a good look. Now it was worse and actually noticeable.
At the wedding and every other hour in-between as long as I was with people and outside the hotel room, my hand clumsily covered my neck, I felt everyone was staring at the neck; Even posing for pictures didn’t feel too good. It was horrible. It finally healed after a week or so, that's after i got home, picked the gel up and rubbed an excess amount of gel on the neck, there was a little scar left but i was just so glad to be rid of it. Taught me not to mess with a pimple, just put the Freederm when you have the chance and let it be.
The instruction on the gel pack says to clean and dry the area before applying, meaning you have a part to play. When you have a problem, do what you ought to do immediately. Pray. Then play your part which is what you can as a human and leave the rest to God to do his work... Like keep chasing a dream even if you keep failing or ... you get the point?
Worrying and picking on it doesn't do anything more than making it look worse than it really is... you know like that song 'Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are'. Eventually, when you remember to go to the solution, you would have just gone through pain you shouldn't have had to deal with and a scar for you to hold on to.
Freederm has been known to be effective, and so we confidently apply it knowing that yes, the pimple is there, but the stuff in this wonderful gel is going to work at drying up the pimple and doing it in such a way that we’re not left with scars, that’s why we can go about our normal activities, because we've got something we're so confident will work for us... we don't spend our day picking on the pimple when we know we've put a treatment on it. 

Like Jesus said in Luke12:25 "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" 
We’re only human and so its normal to worry, or rather, people see us as more responsible when we worry. Worry about the future, worry about the bills, worry about food, worry about what to wear et co.
But sometimes I think we just over do the whole worrying business. 
I’ve got more things to worry about than anyone would ever believe, but I've learned not to bother about stuff so much, to pray about it and go about life knowing everything will be fine, just like the song says "i will cast all my cares upon you, i will lay all of my burdens down at your feet... when i don't know what to do, i will cast all my cares upon you" best thing to do is pray about it and go about life like everything is okay, because i know everything will be fine in the end. 
            "Worry quietly eats away at your spiritual health until bitterness comes in and destroys your faith. Trusting him will always bring peace." T.D Jakes
I Jump in on life and let God take care of it, i know the problem is there, but then again, i know My God is there and he's capable. That's why I'm able to smile despite the dozens of things i should be worrying about. I dress my best, i make my hair, i paint my nails and I'm excited about new shoes and eating out, and traveling, and puff puff, spent my last dollar like i had a trust fund somewhere ... I've rubbed my freederm on the problem spots and i know its going to be alright.  
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."1 peter 5:7(nlt) Lets face it, when has worrying ever made anything right? rather it just gets you sick and makes you an angry and gloomy person most of your days...
Prayer is the freederm of life. We know the problem is there, but we pray about it knowing the God we pray to will take care of it, he’ll help us solve the problem and everything will go away eventually. That's what's faith is about. If only we could take that time out to pray. Dwell more on our faith that it'll be okay and worry less, for "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad."
A good word here is the comfort from prayers,the reassurance of God's word "Tell the righteous it will be well with them..."Isaiah3:10(NIV). All will be well indeed because we serve the author of time, the king of the universe and he works things out for our good as long as we have faith in him and trust him to come through for us. Most times we pray it all wrong, i read somewhere 'instead of telling God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is'

You can let worry ruin your life... You can focus on the spot and end up missing out on the fun of the wedding and taking lovely pictures and having fun... Just because of that spot that you failed to 'bother' with the one effective solution. Don't miss out on the other beauties of life because of few problems.  
"Why I go worry o
When I can talk to my Father
What is the problem o
I think I better run to my Father" ... Obiora Obiwon, F.A.T.H.E.R
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
So why Worry? 
"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.
And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" Luke 12:25-28(nlt)
**** i'm not the fussy girl who gets grey hair over a pimple or two... i know i went through it that one time to teach me this lesson on worrying.


  1. Love the way you linked it to prayer...PS...I was going to go all out to comment on how you shouldn't worry over a single pimple when some others have a face full of it...but seeing that you've nicely linked it to life itself...I will say...
    sometimes we make a mountain out of a molehill when we have a simple problem that can be easily solved... just pause and look around you, then you'll see that whatever you've going through is so minute and solvable compared to what others are going through:)


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