You Come First...

I was getting my nails done the other day and I kept staring at the lady’s nails. They didn’t look so great…  There’s no doubt she’s good at what she does, but the way her nails looked made me wonder why she would be great at making people’s nails beautiful while hers is in a rot.

The same thing with people who make beautiful hair, you see their hair all in a mess, while they make yours look so beautiful… when you ask them why their hair isn’t made, there’s all sorts of excuses, most say, there’s no time…
There was a certain hair stylist at one of those high-end hairdressers in Victoria Island. She was always well dressed and her hair well styled. She always looked so good, I was scared of tipping her after every session, she should have been the one tipping me as she dressed better than I did on most days… she did a great job and she was a walking ad for how fabulous she could be. If you’re spending your days glamming people up, then you owe it to yourself to be glammed up.

I never could understand the reason behind the plane instructions of attending to your self first before helping kids or anyone. I just got to realize it isn’t selfish at all. Most times we jump to help others while we sink and die or get out of breath, needing the oxygen but trying to give someone else first. You need to give yourself enough air, before you reach out, or you will die when you try to help someone else out.

There are pastors that preach up a storm…messages that restore broken homes, but their homes are in such messed up situations you’re shocked when you hear of their divorce. Same thing happens with marriage counselors etc.

Don’t be so poured out that you loose yourself. While you teach people the truth, do you still feed yourself on the truth? While you advice on how to take the lipstick stains off their teeth, have you checked yours and brushed real good?

If you’re pouring out yourself, make sure to get fueled as well. Don’t serve gourmet meals to people, while you feast on a sandwich, because you’re too tired to whip up a meal.  It’s such a shame to have horrible hair while you style others and make their hair healthy because you’re so poured out to your job you have no time to treat yourself.

“I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:27
 Do not miss your assignment helping someone else find his or her own. Otherwise, you become content failing at a level you tutored everyone else in. You can watch them succeed or show them how to get started.” Sarah D Jakes


  1. Immpressive write-up and a pleasantly refreshing read.

  2. Love this post! Preach preach preach!
    You're so right..

  3. This is so true. We need to take care of ourselves first

  4. This is important!!! Love the post.
    Thought about this recently, made me take time out of church/choir to focus on my spiritual life. Nobody will say you're serving then you yourself be a castaway.



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