Love Like Crazy...
woman wants to be given that affirmation of love every second… no matter how
independent minded she is, she comes to a place, where love is what’s enough
for her… or the evidence of love (even if she refuses to admit it, or so I
imagine a man pulls an Indian movie dance scene stunt… you know with all the
dancers in colorful clothes, and fixed smiles, singing to songs with lyrics
penned down by the most love-infested songwriters. This Nigerian man dashes in
between trees, and water fountains all for the love of his life, with loads of
tiffany gift bags… what a show of love!
I would stand
there with tears gushing down my face, out of pure delight or embarrassment,
I’m not sure. What’s important is that I would be a picture of pure movie
perfection, so overwhelmed with the show of love… Look, I even shed some tears!
But that Indian movie dance scene
wouldn’t guarantee her believe in his love, if the next day, he doesn’t pick up
her call or return a missed call, or if he fails to respond to a text message.
She immediately begins to doubt. When was the last time he called me anyway?
When was the last time he said, “I love you”?
Every moment I take time out
to spend time with God in worship, I hear Him tell me He loves me. Now the
question is, how do you hear God? How do
you know when He’s speaking to your heart? I don’t know, but I just know
when it’s Him, and those words of love are so true, so real…. I kept wondering
why He would keep telling me how much He loves me, every single day, every
moment I stay still to hear Him speak. That’s when the illustration I described
above came to me.
God pulled all stops, He went
all out to prove His love for humanity, me and you, something beyond an Indian
movie dance scene, when He gave Jesus, when the cross-happened. That was the
greatest stunt of love ever pulled. For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He
[even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son…’ John 3:16(Amp)
But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by
the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed
One) died for us. Romans
Isn’t this awesome? While we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Meaning, He doesn’t love me because I’ve
repented of my sins and I’ve come to Him… He doesn’t love me more than the next
person because I pray and I go to church more often than I go shopping. While we were yet sinners… Unconditional
love baby!
But we turn right around and
ask God, do you care? Do you love me?
When something little goes out of place. We doubt, when like a woman, we feel
like our text message, our voice in prayer goes unanswered. But God, I went to church all through last
week… why don’t you love me boo? Why wouldn’t you answer me when I call Bae?
Because of my human nature,
He tells me how much He loves me daily because He wants that knowledge to
become a part of my consciousness; so I can get to a place where I’ll never
doubt His love, even when it feels like He’s gone silent on me, because it
keeps resounding in my mind. It keeps replaying, it’s this presence in me, this
presence around me, the air that I breath, the love of God…
God is love, He cant help
Himself, not loving us is denying Himself of being Him. He’s got crazy love for
A girl in love spends time
thinking about her crush… and drawing heart shapes around the name of the man
of the moment, and smiling foolishly at nothing but the thoughts in her head…
she daydreams of this man that moves her world…. that’s
crazy and quite silly isn’t it? Well that’s what its like with God. His mind is
full of us. (Psalm 8:4) He’s
thinking about us always. And His thoughts aren’t angry thoughts, about how we
got drunk last week and deserve to burn in hell for not giving a ride to your
mean colleague when it was raining… No! His thoughts are good thoughts and not
evil (Jeremiah 29:11)
He is consumed with us. He’s thinking about us all the time. He’s crazy in
Jesus, our Bridegroom, says to us, "You have captured
my heart, my treasure, my bride. You hold it hostage with one glance of your
eyes..." In Song of Songs 4:9 (NLT) Beloved, the Lord is passionately in
love with you! Today, let your heart be set aflame by the One who thinks you
are special, and who values and treasures you beyond measure. Joseph prince
You don’t
have to do anything to get this extraordinary sort of love; all you have to do
is accept it. He loves us with an everlasting love. And goodness, He says
Nothing can separate us from this love… NOTHING! (Romans 8:38-39) and in knowing that nothing can
separate us from this beautiful sort of love, we can come boldly to His
presence to obtain mercy whenever we mess up.The love is there for us, and it works for us when we've accepted it and are conscious of it.
Because of His love He protects us. He neither sleeps or slumbers… imagine Him staring at
you lovingly when you sleep, brushing His fingers across your cheeks. Because
of His love, he surrounds us with His favor as a shield (Psalm 5:12)
And the man and his wife were both naked
and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other's presence. Genesis 2: 25
I read this quote somewhere “Don’t give too much, too soon. Make sure a person
deserves all of your heart before you give it away. If they don’t appreciate
your love, take it elsewhere “ Its all
about the games and intrigues in human relationships. We can’t show how much we
love because we may be taken for granted. Our love would be abused, so we play
the coy game of hiding feelings. But not with God. God
is "vulnerable" to us. He’s stripped himself, bared himself… gone all out to show
He loves us, even when we didn’t deserve it. In human relationships we’re told
to hold back, don’t be all there because you’ll be seen as weak, your trust and transparency will be used
against you. But not with God, He’s come before us, shown us who He is,
naked in love. He pouring out His love doesn't make Him weak or less than He is, even if we don't respond to Him… Thus we should come boldly before him, unashamed, naked and bare
knowing He loves us just as we are, and His love would cover all our
shortcomings and perfect us.
Because He
loves us… all things are working together for our good!
Relax, everything’s
going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts,
love is on the way! Jude 1:2(msg)
God is love… relax, love has gone ahead of you! Don’t worry,
love has made the crooked path straight. As you continue to soak in on His love,
walk with boldness knowing He’s gone ahead. He’s opened the doors of the desires
He’s put in your heart, all you have to do is rise up in faith and walk towards
The truth of His love remains the truth, even when our logic
and intelligence tries to tell us otherwise. John the disciple called Himself the disciple Jesus loved… walk in that
consciousness, that you are the one Jesus loves. I know I’m the girl Jesus
loves… and my oh my, how special it makes me feel.
Let love be imprinted in your
You think you’re not worth it? Well
that’s love for you…
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