Sweet Mother... The Seventies Club!


This is my mum. She turned 70 on the fourteenth of October.  And here she is looking not a day close to seventy.
I feel blessed to have her alive and well. I am blessed to call her mother. 
There's so much to say about her. Her large heart. Her substance. Her style. Her beauty. Her strength. Her kindness. Her wisdom. Her victories. 

Being her baby is one of my greatest blessings. 
she has stood as mother and father to my siblings and I. 

While others need Bentleys for assurance, God gave me Jesus! Then the next best thing... he gave me Mary Akut as a mother. I’m totally assured of His love for me and then some!
She supports me even when she doesn’t understand what I’m doing.
She stretches herself to meet the needs of others.
She’s a woman of substance.
As beautiful on the inside as she is in the outside.
She’s a product of grace... my testimony of her is that God has been good to her and His mercy endures forever.
Her youth is renewed and with long life God satisfies her.
I call her blessed.
The lines have fallen for her in pleasant places and her 70s are her best years yet.

I love you sweet mother.
Thank you for all you do.


  1. Happy birthday to your mum. May the next decade(s) of her life be sweeter and more rewarding than the previous. Congrats to you and your family.


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