First Day on Earth? Here's Some Advice...

Have you heard of kid president? This is one of my favorite videos of the endearing Kid president. 'Letter To A Person on Their First Day Here'.

It's a letter that makes me smile, and makes me nod my head in agreement. "Treat everyone like its their birthday" that jumped at me. It's hard sometimes because everyone can be annoying even when they don't mean to... I'm pretty much annoying myself, sometimes I mean to be, other times I don't mean it. It'll be nice to have everyone treat me like it was my birthday always.... here's the video, enjoy...


  1. Oh!!! Beautifull!!! Thanks for sharing this :)

  2. Yep. Enjoyed. I agree we all mess up at times and not forgiving each other's mess up is perhaps THEE biggest mistake of all.

  3. Nice post, hav got here, love to see more


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