Broken to Peace...

Brokenness is expected to take us down into a pit of pain and deep gut wrenching anguish. We get broken all the time, broken in pieces over trivial issues and heart jerking issues. But our strength lies in not running away from being broken, it lies in not letting ourselves get broken to pieces in our brokenness, but broken to our peace, because we know that ALL things work together for our good, even when it hurts like crazy. (Now that’s a crazy truth, hard to swallow… but the truth all the same, if we choose to believe it or not)

Where one person treats you as kpomo, someone somewhere is viewing you as a perfect dish of steak, medium rare! Let your peace of self discovery come from the shattered pieces of a seemingly lost hope. Your dreams are valuable, even when they seem to fail one too many times. You are beautiful, even when you’ve been rejected one too many times. You are loved, even when backs have been turned on you one too many times.

God’s got you, even when… especially when men trample on you, and your dreams one too many times. You’re a perfect story, rising up from the ashes of the burn you got from getting up and just living. 

"Let the ruins come to life
In the beauty of Your Name
Rising up from the ashes
                                      God forever You reign..." Glorious Ruins, Hillsong.


  1. Out of the ashes I rise...
    Making a mosaic out of the broken pieces to make a beautiful picture with Him being the glue that holds each piece in place


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