April’s Fool... A Love Note To You

I think it’s hilarious that this year, Easter just happens to fall on the national holiday for fools.

A fool says in his heart there is no God, but don’t be fooled!
The gospel is not just a fairy tale with pitiful punchlines and gruesome deaths, incredible battles and fearless warriors...
And like Col. Moyo who certainly isn’t a fool puts it “The bible is replete with stories of how God raised people from the dung hill and set them among princes.”
It’s got good stories with Oscar worthy biopics waiting to be made out of them. 
But beyond the tears, the laughs, the wisdom and the awe within the pages that carry the message of the gospel, is the power of God that brings salvation.
Jesus at the Centre, from the beginning to the end of it. 
In it is the power to transform.
April’s fool, there is God O!

There’s no God you say?
I need to show you charts, and slides and intelligent arguments to prove my point?
I may not be able to match you with intelligent arguments because the gospel is not about your intellect. 
It certainly doesn’t seem like an intelligent decision to bankrupt heaven for someone like me... but hey, look who’s balling in grace.

April’s fool
He’s dead and long gone you say... just a man from the history books who worked our brains and gave us religion that has tremendous success in making us zombies.
He must have been really good then... two thousand years later we’re intelligent adults still “deceived” by the sensationalism of who He is.  
Don’t be fooled.
He died on the cross, He was buried, He was raised on the third day according to scriptures!
The grave is empty!
Who has believed this report? 
Not you, you smugly smirk... 
Don’t be fooled! 
Believe it or not... it’s true and your unbelief doesn’t change it.
He was wounded for (even) your transgressions.
He was crushed for (even) your sin.
The punishment required for (even) your well-being/Peace fell on Him
And by His stripes (even) you are healed.  
God has raised this Jesus to life, to which we are all witnesses.... even you who deny His existence, daily you are a living witness to this truth. 
It truly is finished.
He is risen.
So why be fooled?


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