On the Holy Ghost and Pistachios...

I’ve been quite nuts crazy lately. It shouldn’t be something worth pondering about, but the kind of nuts I’m crazy for are not the ones easily found around here, not peanuts, or cashew nuts... I want pistachios and almonds and they don’t cost peanuts! So I have formed an expensive habit and not willing to accept reality that my stash is running out, and I would need nuts supply soon.
Anyways, that’s not the reason for this post today. I wanted to put up a post on instagram and I felt it would be good to show what I’m reading at the moment, oh, and I was eating pistachios when I took the pictures, hence my nuts story. 

That awesome book ‘Gods Generals’ introduced me to the phenomenon that is Maria Woodworth-Etter, and I was so excited when I found this book authored by her, a collection of her Holy Ghost sermons. God knows I love the Holy Spirit and what He represents to me, and I just want to know more and more of him.
I was going to take a picture of a page in the book as well for my “for the gram” post, when a line I highlighted kind of illuminated to me… some may say it was the fluorescent green highlight that illuminated, but at least it caused me to stop and ponder in a way I didn’t at the time I highlighted that line. 

“... no matter how the Spirit works, every member of the body is profited”

Wow!!!! That line says so much.
 If Mama Maria is saying that, then how come a lot of people are not profiting from the move of the Spirit? Could it be that people are not profiting from the move of the Spirit in its different manifestations, not because there’s no profit but probably because we have refused to take our profits?

How do we refuse? By disdaining vessels through which the manifestations of the Spirit occur. Looking down on vessels, turning our nose up on His (Holy Spirits’) different expressions.
There’s so much to profit and excel with from the precious Holy Ghost, but we’re so full of ourselves to let Him be the full expression of Himself In us and through us that we even fail to recognize and receive when He finds one poured out and full of Him fully expressing all that He is in and through them. Thus, we live another day thinking this Christianity of a thing is a scam.

“Remember, it is the same Holy Spirit who distributes, activates, and operates these different gifts as he chooses for each believer.”
1 Corinthians 12:11 TPT
The Holy Ghost doesn’t only move in mega churches... sometimes some churches labeled as mega have no trace of him, thus they entertain with Suya nights and Nollywood stars to keep members excited.
He moves in the house fellowship with just three people, or in that little prayer meeting where you and your girlfriends meet. He moves when you’re sitting in that boardroom and you’re at a loss for what to say, and when your little baby is sick in your arms. You are a vessel of expression of His gifts, don’t disdain yourself, or the vessels He chooses to use to profit you (and she just may be wearing red lipstick or he may be in ripped jeans). No matter how He chooses to move, there’s always a profiting to take to the bank.

(Read 1 Cor 12)


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