The Chairman's Daughter...

The factory workers were going against the authority of the chairman. They went against rules, did things wrong and neglected duties. It was only right for the chairman to close down the factory, cut off their only source of livelihood in a time of such economic crisis as this… the fact that she had been silent about their ways made them think they could get away with it. Her warnings/appeals were heeded, and then discarded as soon as the solemnity of the moment wore off. The production manager was practically useless, as he seemed to fear the people more. The factory was loosing money, and loosing credibility with the sloppy work and late delivery of goods.
That’s when the chairman’s favorite child and only daughter came in. She decided to forfeit the luxury of her title and her qualification to become a factory worker. To learn the ropes and hopefully stir some passion for the work in the staff, make them realize that just a tiny cord held them and their job security together.
She dropped the Jimmy Choos for factory boots, silk scarf’s and fascinators for hard hats, well manicured nails for rough gloves… soft clean hands became hard and brittle, Gucci shades for safety goggles, channel no 5 for the smell of sweat. The face that was well powdered became sweaty and rough with acne. Well-fitted clothes from the couture houses were set aside for unflattering and stained jumpsuits for one of her stature. Luxury accommodation was exchanged for a room in the staff quarters. Her income dropped. Lunchtime in posh restaurants was exchanged for lunch with the factory workers. She looked less than the numerous house helps that served her at home.
Many times, she wanted to quit, to give it all up, to tell mother to do what she wanted to do, it wasn’t worth it. But the more she stayed with this people, the more she loved them and wanted them to succeed, to be better even as they frustrated her. She tried boosting their commitment level, reminding them that they were better taken care of than their peers in other factories.  Only very few recognized who she was and respected her for the choice she made, respected her enough to renew their commitment to work. The others just didn’t care. They mocked her, told her she knew nothing. Even in her presence, they still went against authority. She tried making them see just how hurt the chairman was, but they called her bluff. She tried to make them understand that just a little commitment from them was all it would take for the Chairman to increase their benefit and her confidence in them… They told her to shush up. It wasn’t such an easy task after all.  
All hell finally broke loose. The day a major contract was handed to the company. A job, that would mar or make the company’s reputation for years to come. Negligence happened to visit in a big way this period. There was a mix up, an avoidable one. One that stalled production, one that put the company’s reputation on the line… one that broke the camels back of the chairman. She was closing shop, this people she had loved and kept working for her for two generations had taken her for granted long enough… she would replace them with new and worthy hands, people with no sentimental attachment but with an eagerness to work and earn a living…. She would close shop.
There was fear and trembling in the factory when word got round. Everyone was gloomy and sat in fear at the realization that indeed they had taken the chairman’s attachment and love for them for granted, they had taken advantage of the privileges and opportunities and chances she kept giving them, just because most of them inherited the job from their parents and grand parents. News coming in was that she meant business this time.
That’s when the chairman’s daughter walked towards the administrative block. Her heart beat with each step. She knew just how disappointed her mother was, she knew just how much this meant to the company, she knew what was at stake here…. But she knew she couldn’t let the silly people be punished for their foolishness. She knew she had to make a way for them to make it right again. Thus she stepped into the chairman’s office… and took blame for the mistake that almost cost her the company. She took the scorn and the disappointment, she took the mouth lash and the disgusted look, in that moment, she wasn’t a daughter, but a mere factory worker, an employee who had failed her employer. She took it all in pain because she loved her mother, and her mother had never spoken so harshly to her… but she took it, because she loved those silly people in the factory, the thought of the nothingness they would get with loosing their jobs kept her standing before the chairman and the board as words of disappointment were thrown at her. She took her termination letter with deep sorrow, she had always excelled in everything she did, to be given the boot over this was a hard one to swallow… But a feeling of relieve swept over her that she had saved families from unknown hardship.
She folded up her factory clothes, hugged those who understood what she had just done for them and thanked her profusely… and went away. As she took a bus home, she smiled. From tonight, she would be the chairman’s daughter again, she would be driven in her sleek car again, she would go to the spa and get a massage, facials and a full body scrub, She would be a sophisticated woman again, her hair would be made, and her nails will be pretty again. She would attend the events and be back to her social circle.
At least now she understood the workings of the factory, she would be able to advice on what needs to be done to the board, when she sits on the board, she would influence decisions and better the condition of the workers, little things that had been overlooked. She would know how to appeal to the chairman on behalf of the workers having been one of them for a period.
Hopefully, her sacrifice had beat common sense back into the lives of the factory workers. Hopefully. And so she was driven to the factory in her new car, and every air of sophistication, but with a love so great that she rushed into the factory in joy to see the people she took the heat for… Alas, the same attitude she took the burn for was still been played out, only a few worked, while the rest gambled, neglecting their machines and ruining the products.
What a stubborn people!
Our salvation story is quite similar to that of the factory. God was ready to let it all go, He’s said He’ll raise the stones to praise Him if we don’t, but Jesus stepped in. He left the glory of heaven, the attention of angels and became man, just for us. He’s walked amongst us, took the punishment for our sins by dying for us, only to peep back and see us act like He never did anything for us.
Thinking of Jesus leaving all that glory for us is overwhelming. I haven’t seen half of heavens glory, and the little that I have tasted is so hard to leave, to do nothing close to what God came to do.
“Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross…’ Phil 2:6-8
Only love could have done this… I’m thankful for the love of God that keeps loving me even when I act like a spoilt child. The love that stands even when I’m ungrateful and rebellious. I’m thankful for the sacrifice of the cross that speaks better things for me… I’m thankful for the lamb that was slain. I’m so thankful for Jesus.


  1. Another ONE!
    So thankful to Him for the uncountable and invaluable access His death brought me.


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