Thirty Minus One...

"But first, let me take a selfie"... Thirty minus One.
I have behavior that contradicts my belief sometimes. It doesn’t mean I don’t believe! If there was a book of Inyamu in the bible, it would be such a messed up controversial story, a not so pretty picture. But in all that mess, you’d see a beauty that shines through, the beauty of grace glittering so bright, you almost can’t stare it in the face…
The pieces of my brokenness and struggles, the pieces of pain and tears, the pieces from every fall makes a kaleidoscope of colors, my perfect imperfections are perfectly beautiful, because in all these… my feet are off the floor and I rest in the arms of Love.

Grace is my warmth, love is my cover…  grace met me where I was and refused to leave me where it found me. Grace is taking me on a journey, I’m not there yet, but we’re so far away from where I was. It’s been such a road trip of self-discovery, different from the lens of the world, under the lens of grace.

There’s so much ugliness spewed about… that’s life. But even in your struggles, your uncertainty and your sometimes-shaky faith, there’s beauty all around… like the deep breath you take… that’s a story of beauty and hope. The world is full of uncertainties, bombs and guns, girls kidnapped and living in fear… earthquakes and hurricanes, but in all these, there’s the beauty of the flower, it’s where it is, growing in beauty, because that’s the only thing it knows how to do… grow and be beautiful! Oblivious of the callousness of the earth.

I took these pictures in Hyde Park recently... Let the beauty of Grace shine through every pain.
Beauty always shines through, beauty always lives… beauty never leaves, it’s right there, in the midst of it all. Find the beauty in you and let it shine through the pain. Gods grace!

I’m thirty minus one today. I should be fidgeting about getting older and blab la bla, but I’m just here, thankful for beauty and resting in Grace.

Thirty minus one; I've known pain, I've seen struggles, but through it all, I rest in beauty.


  1. Happy birthday darling. Thank God for his grace and beauty in your life. May He perfect all that concerns you. (Ps- thought I'd be in London for another Sunday but can't- Re your IG comment about hillsong)

  2. Happy Birthday my Darling Inyamu! U've been greatly blessed by God, and through ur writings, you have unreservedly been a blessing to others...esp. me! Wishing u God's continuous guidance, wisdom, protection, strength, and many more beautiful years ahead.

    Love u plenty!

    hugs et kisses.

  3. Happy birthday once again, and may all your wishes come true. God bless.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Gods blessing and his grace will continue to radiate in your life.

  5. Happy birthday! Hope it's a blessed year xx

  6. Wow. Happy birthday in arrears, Joy. May this year be your best one yet.

  7. Happy Belated birthday. You are indeed a blessing...*a Hugs and cupcakes*

  8. Happy belated birthday sweetheart .

    Bear hugs

  9. Happy birthday in arrears dear.tis never to late to spread the love..God bless you bigly

  10. Happy birthday in arrears dear.tis never to late to spread the love..God bless you bigly


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