Game of Thrones...

This Picture makes me feel more like Brienne of Tarth... but not the point!

I am a Game of Thrones (GoT) fan… I joined the bandwagon somewhere in season five, so I had the luxury of watching episodes back to back, sometimes binging without having to wait for the next week to see a new episode or months after for the new season (I loved that luxury of not waiting). But last season was my first time of watching it in real time. Waiting for each new episode after cliffhangers of the last. Breathing down my friend Oris neck for each new episode.

We watch one episode that is nail biting, and we are in suspense waiting for the next. Suddenly, next Sunday feels too far away. And so we spend time meditating on the last episode, knowing the next is surely coming, but while we wait, we talk about what happened, our expectations are on a high… looking forward for the next. We bite our fingers (well not literally), regurgitate, bringing it out and chewing on it over again, excited about it till the next. And when the season is done, we do the same thing… sometimes, we watch the past episodes, go on fan pages, join discussions… write on facebook, tweet about it…snooping around for spoilers for the next season, and you may find glimpses and pieces of puzzles and guesses that seem right, its not the whole picture, but it excites you all the same. Sometimes the next season starts just after a couple of weeks, sometimes it’s a few couple of months, but for shows as epic as GoT we impatiently, excitedly wait a whole year for the next season… and I hear we may be waiting for maybe two for the finale season 8 (well, GoT just happens to be the scapegoat here… it could be any of your favorite series)

When God speaks to the Game of throne fan in you...

That’s what faith should be like for believers. You’ve enjoyed one episode of Gods blessing in a season, just don’t give up yet, there’s another episode coming, one after the heel of another… while you wait, be in faith for the next episode of success in what you’re doing. 
What do you do? Do you complain? Or you meditate on the blessings God has poured on you? You chew on it, regurgitate, and in doing that you make an easy entry for thanksgiving which makes for easy digestion of rejoicing, which helps lighten your heart, exciting you for what next is coming. Meditation makes the waiting period move fast… it takes away the time or even if it doesn’t, it makes for good company while you wait.  Be it for the next episode or the next season.

What are you doing while you wait? Start thinking of the goodness and faithfulness of God in the different seasons of your life. His promises, the beautiful plot for your life in the bible… the plot that says His plans for you are for good and not for evil… a plot that says He has blessed you and has paid the price for you… given you authority over principalities, you reign! In the game of thrones, you sit on the iron throne, at the right hand of God the Father high above every principality and power… the villain of life has been put under your feet. He prepares a feast for you in the presence of your enemies (epic scene). He anoints your head with oil, and your cup runs over… He has clothed you in His righteousness, and nothing is impossible for you that believe. The plot for each season of your life makes for a blockbuster, each season more intense than the last season, for every level you rise to. Each episode has so much to talk about, so much to rejoice about… so much to be thankful about, especially with all the action scenes of what God has saved you from, how the angels assigned to you have acted on your behalf behind the scenes, battles you are unaware of.

Be encouraged, think of the things you've been through and what God has done, and rejoice as you wait for answers... the breakthrough!Get ready for the blessings that is about to fall on you!


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