Unknown Error?...

Have you ever tried to top up your phone only to get an error message/a timeout message?
Then you retry and it says 'this card has already been used by you'? And that's when you check the balance to see that the initial top up was successful even though the phone gave you an error msg.

It happens to me all the time. Thus I have learnt to just make the call after I get that message or check the balance instead of trying again… because somehow I know the phone has been credited. It rarely is the case that I have to input the numbers again because the truly wasn’t processed.

This happened to me recently and it got me thinking about how we ‘input’ prayers and are unaware that they have been answered because our feelings process an error message and sends to us. I believe many prayers are answered that we're unaware of because we don't check... We feel like a response hasn't been received because we don't get a "successful recharge" message from God! (Even after His word says He always hears us)
Only to check and realize your prayers were answered but you were too blinded by worry, fear, desperation to notice... you were so focused on the error message of anxiety to notice.
Our flesh gives an error message! We don't feel healed, we don't feel comforted... we just don't feel.... but it's not about feeling!

Sometimes answered prayers come in the form we want it to come in.
Sometimes it comes in the form of a storm to end that relationship that was killing you spirit, soul and body. Or a storm to make you move from that city that wasn't good for you. To prevent you from going on that holiday that may have killed you...etc
What have you been praying about? Maybe it's time to start thanking and praising God for the answered prayers... praise brings down walls of delusion, unbelief, fear and dread! It brings the reality of whom God is to focus.

Be assured that God has heard you... Take that assurance to the bank and praise your way in thanksgiving and wait to see the manifestation.
(it sounds like a mechanical thing to say right? What if you don't see results?) Well there are always results to prayers... It just may not be in the way we imagine. But God is good and perfect, a good good loving Father and He responds to our prayers in ways that He knows will do us well.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Mark 11:24 NIV

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24 (NIV).

And as Mosugu Eben sings "I serve a God who answers prayers... "

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This has been one of my favorite songs in this season… knowing that God loves me and He answers my prayers even when I don’t feel it, even when it doesn’t look it. That’s why I praise even when the fig tree does not blossom… 

Though the cherry trees don’t blossom
    and the strawberries don’t ripen,
Though the apples are worm-eaten
    and the wheat fields stunted,
Though the sheep pens are sheepless
    and the cattle barns empty,
I’m singing joyful praise to God.
    I’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Savior God.
Counting on God’s Rule to prevail,
    I take heart and gain strength.
I run like a deer.
    I feel like I’m king of the mountain! Hababkkuk 3:17-19(msg)


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