Extra! Extra!... Totally Random.

I haven’t been writing much. It was once about having writers block, now its having this floodgate of inspirations, with a goldmine of drafts on my notes and word that could turn into potentially awesome posts, but I’ve got a finger freeze. I just don’t want to type… well most times I want to, but then I sit to do it and I don’t, I end up doing tiktok videos or just wasting precious time on social media while awesome posts desperately wait to be birth, and manuscripts sigh in frustration at my clumsiness. 

Something happened recently… I travelled without my laptop. That’s cringe worthy in my world. That’s saying “what a bad mother I am” in my world. How dare I leave my laptop and hop on a plane, then a car to whatever destination. My excuse is, I was fed up with my 2012 MacBook air. Fed up! it’s seen better days… I’ve had better days with it, I wrote most of my first book with it, but it is now just too embarrassing to bring it out in public, with the way it looks, with the charger… ok, I wouldn’t body sham it, but there’s my excuse. I recently got a new MacBook… yay! You would think I’d be so inspired with my new expensive gadget, the upgrade, the sleekness… but I still wouldn’t go about with my new baby.
I hardly glance at it, instead I still pick up the old, and use it.

It gives me the vibe of a man leaving his wife because she looks beat up, after having babies for him and taking care of him, knowing his every need and dedicating her life to helping him be better. But then he finds this new sleek chic everyone loves, he’s able to win her heart, and then he realizes, as fine tuned as she is, she doesn’t know his every need, she doesn’t come with all the things he stored in the ‘old’ wife. She may be old, but she understands you just right and has your every need. Hahah. Why would I think of this illustration? Basically, I haven’t been able to transfer my extensive music library to the new, and other vital documents, so its not so appealing to use the new right now. 
I just gave two paragraphs talking about my laptop! Ha! So much for the finger freeze.

It’s been a while since I blabbed. Like since I just wrote, and more like spewed randoms.

The world feels so weird right now. I was going to travel at the end of April, go to London, attend hillsong conference and spend time with my sister and the kids. Then suddenly, like a spoilt child, the world started throwing tantrums. If I could, I’d have bought my ticket and headed out to London just before the lock down, I wanted to be with them in this season. But thank God for technology, I get to facetime and whatsapp call and check up on them every moment. Nigeria is getting her own share of the lockdown… it’s a situation of Lord have mercy, when I look at my country.

I’m thinking a lot of things about what’s happening. I know this isn’t of God, God isn’t punishing the world, He’s not a wicked father… the devil on the other hand… a silly thief. I believe an end to this  is coming soon, because God’s not dead, He hears us when we call on Him, and He is faithful to us. I’m looking forward to the world after this… there’s a lot of uncertainty, but I’m sure this is going to be a great year. I pray for comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one to this stupid stupid evil virus and other ailments. God’s grace and peace. And to all those living in fear… God’s got you, I say to your heart… Peace be still. 

I get a good number of traffic on my blog, I really don’t care about comments, because I’m not one to leave comments, but then I found myself reading some of my old posts *shivers* and thinking how nice the comments were. We truly had good people on here, either that or the world was kinder then… I just wrote, hardly leaving enough space or caps and lots of abbreviations. How in the world did my readers cope with that? But they did and were kind and left beautiful messages and I got to meet beautiful people from the good old blogger days. Oh, I laughed at comments and how silly I was. How I had a mad crush on one of my readers from America, and o, the feeling was mutual even though I was anonymous, out words found love with each other (I’m cracking up here), and if I let it… I probably may be divorced from one fineeee African American in 2020, or maybe not. Hahah.

Now I feel like blabbing about marriage, the science of dating, relationships and the lure of the beauty in being single. But I dare not, I’m already hitting 800words… yikes.

It was nice rambling to you. I probably have gotten my grove back and would be blogging more regularly and finish my book. This may just be the grease those fingers needed. Haha!
Not sure why I keep smiling to myself, like I’m literally cracking myself up, and I see nothing funny in all I’ve written. There I go, hitting 900… here’s where I put my hands where my keyboard can’t see it. 

Stay safe, stay prayed… God’s got you. 



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