Seeing Yourself Right ...

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” Unkown.

I gained weight when I was 12/13 years old. I wasn’t really bothered about it. Well, that’s till I started getting bothered. My chief bridesmaids dress for my sister’s wedding was a size 16. I was worried, and I was too lazy to keep up with working out or dieting. So I stopped bothering about the weight and let it be, then I lost it without knowing how or when.

I grew up and the baby fat walked away. It wasn’t a reward for hours at the gym or a perfect diet plan… my genes just happened to waltz in when it was time and there I was, suddenly having to wear smaller sized clothes. I got myself a pair of jeans in a size 10, it didn’t fit perfectly, but I took it, because I couldn’t imagine using a smaller size, I mean I couldn’t be that small. A few days later my brother gave me a pair of jeans for Christmas, it was a size 8… I whined and kind of sulked in my head and told him he would have to exchange it for a 10…  then I tried it on, and it fit perfectly. He was right about my size, I was wrong.

I desperately wanted the ardyss body magic. In my eyes, my tummy looked like there was a baby in there and some. The lady exhibiting told me i didn't need one, then she recommended the perfect product for my friend(who i thought had great abs), she said i looked just right without it. I just couldn't understand why she would say that, didn't she notice the bulge under my dress? Didn't she notice it was bigger than my friends'? ( I eventually got from someone else, i realized too late that i didn't need it, it was a waste of money.)
I look in the mirror and see a vision different from what people see. And this is years after I lost the weight... you would think I’m a 100% used to it.

Looking in the mirror, I don’t see that I am small. I just see me… and me is me, no different from what I was. Well, yeah, so I know I’m not the chubby lady I was anymore, but I certainly don’t see myself as small as people say I am. I assumed I was the same size as a friend of mine, until we went shopping and she picked up size 14 outfits. We choose how we want to see ourselves. And most times our vision of self in the mirror is so wrong; it doesn’t even come close to being right.
The way you see yourself is up to you. It doesn’t have anything to do with the circumstances you happen to be facing. See yourself as the unique, beautiful, creative and effective person you know you are. See yourself as a bundle of positive, inspiring and meaningful possibilities that are well on their way to being fulfilled. Ralph Marston

We choose to use the wrong lenses when it comes to viewing our spiritual selves. We look in the mirror and see ourselves, as we were when we were rebellious against God. We see ourselves through the eyes of condemnation and see the filth of our past, focusing on the ugliness of who we were, that we fail to see that grace waltzed in and the weight walked away, we're looking better and well toned with God’s grace. We fail to see ourselves the way God sees us.

This song says,  “help me to see me, the way that you see me, sometimes I see pain Lord when you see victory, I see where I am Lord, You see where I shall be. Open my eyes, help me believe, I am what you see. You see me victorious, you see me faithful, you see me believing that you are able, you see me rejoicing that I have survived. Open my eyes, help me believe, I am what you see.“

Once we put on the garment of salvation, condemnation flees. Because the blood of Jesus has cleansed us and made us whole “And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s people, let us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting him. For our evil consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Hebrews 10:21-23

In salvation, we have an abundance of goodness, and the truth of God's love takes over our being. We’ve been so blinded by our past, thus the goodness of the present and future is blurred when we look in the mirror. It’s time to see the truth of who you are in Christ with the lenses of God. You are special; you are the righteousness of God in Christ; you are the redeemed of the Lord; you are fearfully and wonderfully made; you are loved by God; you are royalty, a prince/princess of the kingdom; you are blessed beyond every curse; you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength; you have good success; nations will serve you and call you blessed; you are fruitful; you are prosperous; you are healed... and so much more promises in the bible for you, if only you choose to see.

What God says about you in His word is more important than what any person says. –Joyce

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He canceled the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. In this way, God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross of Christ. Colossians 2:13-15

Lord help me to see me, the way that You see me...


  1. *tear in my eyes* This is so on point it brought me to tears. Thank you FQ, I hope all who read this including me, let ourselves remember the truth of all you have and let it sink deep into our souls and. Pure unadulterated truth.....Only God's viematters

    1. our flesh tends to win that battle sometimes, i pray His grace opens the eyes of our understanding, to have a perfect picture of just how precious and victorious we are to God as long as we hold on to the finished work of Christ... our salvation.

  2. I tend not to bother myself anymore about my body size. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and God sees us as exactly that no matter how many times He looks down at us - we are beautiful, the apple of his eyes. Great reminder that no more should we condemn ourselves whether by our past our our present day circumstances. Blessings!

  3. I pray God helps me to always see myself the way He sees me, cos He's the one that knows me intoto.

    Thanks for the inspiration

  4. This is deep. I pray God helps me to see myself as He does me.

  5. I often see myself as others see me and they dont see me in a positive way at all,especially friends.This was beautiful,it made me realise only God sees me as i truly am and thats the validation i need.Your writing inspires,teaches,encourages and comforts me in ways no1 around me has ever been able to.I dont even know you,so i need to say thank you and God bless.

    1. Thank you for your comment... God bless you real good and open your eyes to yourself right. X


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