My Sermon Notes...

Every child of God is graced as an apostle with divine capacity to break new grounds and expand frontiers. To dare to be and do where others fear to tread.
To not be intimidated from what we’ve been called to do by insults and Criticism. To be resolute in purpose and vision. To take over!

Thus to take over and triumph we...

1. Give it all it takes until we take! And this simply means being persistently consistent till we meet a goal.
Some 21st century Christians delight to thrive on pettiness and tag it as persecution i.e chastised for misbehaving, not given a choice seat in church, moving from church to church because your small toe was stepped on... how can we mature and walk in the fullness of purpose if we continue to suckle on such foolishness?
There’s a lack of focus on the important things and distraction by the irrelevant.
A lack of unity of purpose; Christ and Him crucified! Instead we take offense at little and fail to work together. It’s doing ministry selfishly... Criticism is not the gospel we are called to preach.
This distractions keep us away from the goal!

2. Forcefully advance despite opposition.
We don’t let mountains stop us. We tunnel through, go round, climb over... we are not easily deterred.
We follow through commitments with intense exertion! We don’t give up easily on our marriages.
We don’t give up easily on our kids.
We don’t give up easily on our business.
Because we understand that there’s a glory, a joy at the other end.

3. We don’t just survive the storm... we become a storm!
Hurricane Joy here.
How? Afflict life. Don’t just react to things. Be a bother to the devil. Pray and make things happen. Oppose oppositions even before they get to you.
Pray for your children... go into their future and arrange things. Consistently speak words over all that concerns you.
Pray for your business and marriages. Pray for the now, pray for the future. Handle things before you get there. Set a course for what concerns you.

4. Be determined to win! Even when, especially when failure stares you in your face.
Be determined to win sickness.
Sometimes our will to defeat our challenges are not as resolute as the challenges.
Don’t give up too easily.
Stop easily accepting something as permanent that was meant to be temporal.
Stop institutionalizing your problems. Carrying a badge of honor for your problems doesn’t make you triumph over them. It doesn’t make the devil ‘pity’ you. Speak the word of God that is life over it. That’s a hammer that breaks everything!
The will of a man is stronger than his circumstances. Don’t let your will be broken.
With God helping a man, any man can come out of anything. - Apostle King Omudu

****Don’t just be in church day in, day out. Take the words you hear out there and be a light to the world. It’s not your hypocritical loud prayers at your office desk that makes you a Christian. What results are you producing?
My revised sermon notes!!!!

Church: Shelter Of Glory Makurdi


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