On... The Power Of Words.

I had promised someone that I would attend His wedding. He had gone out of his way to invite me, and followed up with a call, and a card. I felt obliged. 

I woke up that Saturday and all I wanted to do was stay in bed after the busy week I had. I reasoned that we weren’t close and he wouldn’t even notice my absence, and my presence wouldn’t make a difference.
But I felt a stirring in my heart reminding me that I had given my word. So I forced myself out of bed, and showed up! Without a wig or makeup, I was that off. I only put effort into wearing a dress in the color of the day and showing up.
The power of words!
Words are important to me. I try not to lightly throw them around. They are not empty... I hold words in high esteem, thus as much as I can, I keep my words.

I believe words. I also remember words… not all words, mostly the ones that strike a cord. Unfortunately some memorable words aren’t always good… you have to consciously work at disarming them so they don’t have the power to hurt you, and some life changing words are not always memorable, you’ll have to push through to arm yourself with it, to allow it take root in your life.
God exalts His word above his name... that’s powerful. He will not violate His convenant or alter the word that goes forth from His lips.
It’s a new year. Words have come forth from God for the year… individually and corporately. If you’re in the camp that mocks prophecies… just like my picture and stop here. I chose a nice looking one for you.
If you aren’t… then this is for you. God takes His word seriously. Do you?
Honor God’s word to you.
The words that have come forth, chew on them… swallow, regurgitate… until it’s one with you… and then repeat.
I’m only human, and I try to keep my word, I fail at it sometimes. But God is God… He doesn’t try… He does! He stakes His honor on it, His name on it.
Hold in high esteem the words you hear.
I can only speak about what I’ve experienced. Every year, I see the words I hear from God become flesh in my life. I have loads of testimonies … from holding in high esteem the word of God… to me, through Scriptures and words of prophecy etc.
This year, I’m looking forward to double Honor, where Joy and gladness are found in our midst, thanksgiving and the voice of melody. Soar, spread and be settled. How about you?


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