ice for the ice princess

girls need gifts...i fancy diamond rings and fancy things, we need to be pampered, i need to be doesnt matter that destiny's child 'independent woman' is my team song...that doesnt mean that i cant be bothered with being spoilt deep inside of me, a girl no matter how tough she may be, so tough she gets the name ice princess, theres always somewhere inside that needs and desperately wants to be shown an exquisite TLC, the only difference is that unlike the normal clingy chics, we don't show that we need it, we dont beg for it.....

i hate it when some guys use the filmsy excuse of 'you just seem to have everything, i couldnt figure what to get you'..or 'you look like you'd send anything i get you back with speed post'...get me conventional things even a teenager would think of...scented candles, get me perfumes,get me another wristwatch, or earrings(a girl can never have too much of jewelries), get me things that'll make me sigh, it doesnt matter if i have a dozzen of them as long as you didnt get me any of my dozen....just get me something.

flowers are good, although they're quite overrated in my opinon, i'm getting tired of playing the thrilled game at receiving them(don't get me wrong, i appreciate and love the effort) but i'm begining to feel a little cocky pretending to be overly thrilled about them, and the sniffing(like they do in movies,only i don't get a distinct scent from the roses, except those plastic ones that are so pumped with vanilla scents, you actually want to puke)and smiling so lovingly that my cheeks begin to hurt...

i'm not vain, but every girl deserves gifts, if you're in a relatonship where you don't get gifts, my 'rule book' says as fast as you can...


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