
Today, He took the fall.
Today, His body was broken.
His person was mocked.
He was called names.
He was tortured.
Today was the day my salvation was born.
In the lashes He took.
In the nails that pierced His hands and feet.
In the pain that rushed through His body…
My salvation was carved.
Such a beautiful masterpiece was weaved through the ugliness of the cross, the shed blood, the pain and the shame.
Such a masterpiece was weaved in the words that He sighed, “It is finished”
It is finished indeed.
I wear the garment of salvation with pride.
I do not deserve it, but His love found me, washed me and clothed me in the royal robes.
Today, about 2000 years ago, love was defined, love reached its climax… Love conquered.
With all His excellence and glorious splendor. With all His strength and power. With the armies of the heavens He commands… despite it all, He chose to be weak on this day so He could become the strength of my life.
Through the storms, through it all… I stand. All may fail, hearts may break, tears may fall... but i remain strong because He is the strength of my heart.
Today, He perfected all things concerning me. 
I am thankful.
“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine forever” Psalm 73:26


  1. Today, His love found us and that's all we'll ever need... His love! Thank God for all He is, this master plan and His continuous grace that keeps loving. Thank you for this post, happy Easter

  2. Its Finished indeed


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