Miracles, Magic, Illusions, A Figment of my Imagination...

Miracles, magic, illusions, a figment of my imagination… call it whatever, all I know is that, it is all God! And I’m thankful.

My mum has been undergoing treatment in London. She had an ultra sound done in the course of her treatment and her consultant saw something, a growth between her pancreas and blab la bla. He was worried. He pointed it to her and said all he had to say before booking her for a CT scan the following Saturday. Now this was a completely different issue from what she was being treated for...
I had not come to join them in London when this happened. I was still in Lagos, my sister and I couldn’t attend the March Holy Ghost service billed for Friday as much as we wanted to and we couldn’t watch it online because we had a vigil somewhere. She called my sister in London on a whim and asked her to make sure my mum watched the Holy Ghost service of that night. It’s usually aired on OHTV.

As the service was going on, in the style of Pastor Adeboye, where he stops in the middle of a message and gives a word of prophecy “the Lord said…”
He gave a word; the Lord said He’s already done a surgery on you, no need for one… or something like that. It had to do with surgery anyway. My sister true to her nature, along with her kids gave a loud shout of Amen.

The next day was the scheduled day for the CT scan. The result of the scan? Call it a miracle, an illusion, a delusion, whatever you call it… It was God and that’s all that matters to me. The doctor was stunned. My sister said he looked puzzled. He was so sure of what he saw in the ultra sound, but the scan came up with nothing. Absolutely nothing! Where there was a growth, he saw a scar, thus he asked mum if she had surgery before, cos it looked like a scar from a surgery…. Like for real? Surgery? The woman’s never been under the knife. It was a heavenly surgery; God took the growth out and left evidence that He really did do it. He left a scar. God just waltzed in and beat the doctor to the surgery.

Now that’s what I call a miracle.
These are just little glimpses of the illusions, delusions, magic… whatever it is you call the miracles of God that I see in my life and the life of my family daily. Little things that really are big deals that just shows me how real God is to me, how much He loves me and mine, how He’s always there and steps ahead of every battle we face, going ahead and making all things right.

I believe in Miracles.
Do you believe in miracles? Call it whatever you want to, but I believe in it. I believe in God and His wonder working power.


  1. Praise God! God's promise in Mark 5: 34 "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction" is evident in your testimony. I thank God for this miracle and I pray that has many that will read this will have faith in God and his promises.

  2. praise be to God! For His mercies endureth forever

  3. Thank you Jesus! That testimony is permanent in Jesus name. I believe it was a miracle o. God is still in the business of working miracles.

  4. Glory Glory Glory!!! to God in the highest!

    He's soooo sleek!

    If only we can trust Him REGARDLESS!


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