
Woke up two days ago with a song in my heart… and it’s been playing in my head since then. Such simple words, but they stir up such emotions within … “Lord it’s me again, and it is from my heart, that I wanna tell you how I feel… You are everything, You’re so amazing”
I had to do a video upload for it :)

He is indeed everything, and He’s beyond amazing. I have seen the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. He’s given me heaven on earth. He’s draped me with His goodness and showered me with love so great, I’m soaking in the rain of His faithfulness and dripping of favor. (Did I just make sense?)
In simple words? He loves me so and I can’t say thank you enough.


  1. God is really all that matters. He is everything

  2. There are struggles but honestly the joy and the eyes to see God's hand in my life He has given me is a piece of heaven on earth for me.


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