Living The Life...

I put the following up on Facebook today...
Life happens... Never let it get in the way of your dreams. Empower yourself with your salvation, chase your dream/passion till you overtake and conquer it.... The Joy of the Lord will strengthen you as you do. That's how you defeat life, by living in your purpose. That's how you laugh in its face when it pushes you off its stage....
The crash hit close to home, because it could have been me... could have been anyone. What's keeping us from living life today? Why have we let life hold us back from living? It's time to get up and move, build on your passion, make your life meaningful before it's flatlined. Live, love, laugh, travel, dance, scream, forgive, give, hug, dress up, get pampered, praise God,... do your best to find a happy and easy place to dwell in everyday. Live your life against all odds... You never know when the curtain's going to close on you, let it be an exit that's got swag... as much as you would love to remain, you're sure you've done what you were created to do, and so you don't really mind.

"making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16

Got Jesus?


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