All About Stem Ginger... The Fortnum & Mason Kind Of Faith.
You would say they are all ginger biscuits... and that’s true, but they’re not the same. They are of different classes, some are of higher pedigree hahahah... obviously more expensive.
I went to the Hilton and stumbled on Harrods ginger biscuits in one of the stores. I had different seasons with different cravings, and this was my intense stem ginger crave moment. I was so excited to see that tin of goodness, but I had to do a backslide when I saw the price... I could afford it, but I felt it was too expensive for a tin of biscuits (there’s always a revolt to spending the pound equivalent in naira) So I went home to patiently wait till I could travel again to get refill my stash, or hope someone coming home would be kind enough to get it for me.
While I waited and had faith for my biscuits, I received with glee the ‘lower grade’ tower gate ginger biscuits (so sorry tower gates, I’m pushing you under the bus just for illustrations)and although it was good, it didn’t meet up to the expectations of my taste buds. My taste buds had gone all bougie with Harrods and Fortnum & Mason. Then the upgrades came as gifts and purchases when I travelled.
Isn’t that what it’s like with our faith? We sometimes settle for counterfeits or low-grade results. Refusing to go deeper into the waters because we’re afraid! Afraid of the outcome, of the required stretch for more etc. So we settle for less because we refuse to pay the price even when we know deep down we can afford it... because Christ has given us the blank Cheque to afford our desires. It’s just a matter of being desperate enough for it, of believing you deserve the best...
It's like disdaining the business class, first class and private jet gang, because we say… oh well, it’s the same destination… blab blab la. If you have an opportunity to stretch, then stretch, don’t settle for less.
Your faith isn’t big enough to believe that it’s still a great year ahead, with all the gloom and doom the world’s seen this year... so you settle for “at least let’s just scale through all this untouched. Is it not man that is alive that can have faith?” Look beyond survivor, push through to thriving in the midst of chaos.
Look ahead.... there’s more, there’s so much more, it’s not greed or ingratitude. Christ wants to you have a rich and satisfying life.... life and life in abundance. That’s what the scripture says, and so I take God at His word and desire the best. Don’t stop where you are when there’s room to stretch. God will meet us at the level of our faith.
“The goal of faith- the putting together, the rest - is the anchoring of your soul. It is the translation of your soul from place of uncertainty to one of surety, boldness and confidence even in the face of death: utter death of all of one’s expectations (in a matter). That is God’s Desired end(purpose) for our faith.” – Our Confidence, Ebowo Akin- Ojo.
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