Eight Steps to 35...

It’s 8 days to 35.
I love this picture. I had travelled back to Abuja that afternoon, after attending a wedding the previous day. On my way back to Abuja, God delivered me from a fatal accident. I was sitting behind on my phone and then I looked up to see the driver swerving to avoid a head on collision from a careless driver… where he swerved to was a ditch, and I really can’t say how he had so much control because all I could do was calmly watch his hands on the steering as we were bounced about, and everything in the car scattered around.  I know God took the wheel. As the car stopped and he came down to inspect, he asked me if I was ok… I really was ok, and today I’m saying thank you Lord for deliverance. 

So, I got back to Abuja and had to prepare for an even that evening. I was tired and overwhelmed with the road incident but I had to show up… the make up artist finished making me up and despite of my being tired… this truly was a genuine smile. I like it. I don’t appreciate my smiles enough. So this is me loving my smile and being thankful for the beauty of life and deliverance. I was getting ready for an event and the makeup artist just finished with my face. and it brings this scripture to mind. 

One scripture comes to mind… in its different translations…

“Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him.”
Psalm 34:5 MSG

“Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.”
Psalms 34:5 TPT

“They looked to Him and were radiant; Their faces will never blush in shame or confusion.”
Psalms 34:5 AMP

“They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.”
Psalms 34:5 KJV

Look to God... see your reflection in Him and you will come alive! Because He sees you not as you are, or as you struggle... He sees you as a treasure worth the price He paid for you... His righteousness. He sees you beautiful. He sees you perfect. He sees you victorious. He sees you as the love of His life. He sees you basking in His perfect peace and endless Glory. 

That’s all the reason to smile widely... to have your face light up, to be strengthened by His joy. When you do, never hide your feelings from Him... rejoice in the beauty you see. Be thankful for what He’s done. Dance, laugh, jump... shout, rejoicing in His love.


Today’s scripture … You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand has held me up; Your gentleness and condescension have made me great…
Psalms 18:35(AMPC)

God has indeed shielded me all my life. I am a woman helped by God.

Say this with me… “Thank you Lord for your precious gift of salvation that is a shield for me, thank you for holding me up with your right hand, and for your ever present help that has made me great.”

35 is indeed great… I look forward to even more of God’s help. 


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